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Kathryn Barnes
Kathryn Barnes began her interest in photography as an exploration of art in nature. Living in the Rocky Mountain wilderness in the 1960s and 70s, she gained skill in nature photography and the use of various lenses. Using filters with her Pentax SLR camera, she photographed landscapes as well as macro subjects.
The photo here is one of a series of photos of the Grand Canyon titled "Canyon Hues"

Photojournalism Includes:
Nature Photography:
Protests: DC Cook nuclear power plant protest
Palisades and DC Cook nuclear power plant protest
Exelon nuclear corportation protest
International nuclear executives meeting protest
Nuclear test site protest
Conference and protest in Chicago

Web Design
Ms.Barnes has built websites for:
Mystic Sisters vegetarian catering
Branch County Art Guild
BCHS Art Class
Fine Art of Kathryn Barnes
DWMI Environmental

Email Ms.Barnes

Links to Other Sites
Links of Merit